Featured Products

Let's go India! Bouquet

ChocoBouquet - Support the show!

ChocoBar - 1 month supporter

Chie Valentine Acrylic stand

Acrylic stand with entrance music DL code included

Portrait Case(with Sticker&Portrait)

Sold out
Signed! ChocoPro rostar Portrait

Signed! GTMV rostar Portrait

Tin Badge

Gatoh Move - Tshirts,Totebag
$15.00 - $35.00

Gaming Device Acrylic Keychain - Sayaka

ChocoFlower - Support the show!


T-Shirt - ChocoPro
$30.00 - $33.00

RiRiRinGO! Tshirt

Choco Chip - Support the wrestlers and staff!

ChocoGodzilla - 1 month supporter